Volunteer FAQ
What do I have to do to begin the volunteer process?
An application can be emailed to you and after filling out the appropriate sections, you can email it back to the Director of Volunteers. There is one page, the release of liability, which must be printed, signed by all who are coming to volunteer, and mailed back to the address at the bottom of the sheet.
What is the minimal age to volunteer?
We require a minimal age of 18 years old to volunteer. If you are under 18, a parent and/or guardian must accompany you and want to volunteer with you the entire time. The parent and child must both fill out an application and the parent must co-sign all paperwork giving permission, including the release of liability. In addition, both the child and parent must be physically able to help including lifting crates/dogs, being responsible with leash walking, and all other duties that volunteers carry out.
Please note: Children under 13 years of age are not permitted in the quarantine area. Children 13+ must be accompanied by an adult.
Can I come walk the dogs at your kennel?
We do not have a shelter/kennel. There is no need for volunteers to walk dogs. Our dogs are fostered in homes provided by volunteers.
What duties can volunteers sign up for?
Our rescue process is as follows:
A date is established for the dogs to fly from Puerto Rico into Boston. Volunteers are needed to drive a rental van into Boston to pick up the dogs in their crates and drive them back to our quarantine house.
Volunteers are then scheduled to arrive over the next 48 hours in shifts to let the dogs out of their crates, receive food and water, exercise and play, and lots of socialization. Volunteers’ help by cleaning crates, feeding dogs, pick up their elimination, and monitoring their play.
At the end of the 48 hour quarantine, volunteers are needed to foster the dogs until they have been adopted out to a loving family.
Periodically, we arrange meet and greets where volunteers are needed to staff a table at Tractor Supply or other venues and answer any questions from the public about available dogs or assist in caring for the dogs while they are at the meet and greet.
What is involved in fostering?
Foster volunteers are provided with a crate, food, and all medicine if necessary for their foster dog. Most of the adoptable dogs are not potty trained and are not familiar with leashes, car rides, or even going up and down stairs. We ask that you work with the foster dog in these skills as well as lots of socialization. When a family is interested in meeting the dog, a mutually acceptable time and day will be picked and the foster volunteer would bring the dog to the meet and greet. If you are not available for meet and greets, transportation of the foster dog can be arranged.